Alley Cat is an old school arcade style game created for the Pico-8 virtual console. Collect coins and jump on the heads of weird guys.  

- Press x to jump/advance menus
- Use arrow keys for movement.

You my need to click into the game screen of the web version before the controls will work.

The download includes an HTML/JavaScript version as well as executable binaries for Mac, Windows, and Linux. I do not think a usb controller will work with the web versions, it will with the .p8 or .p8.png versions (assuming your Pico-8 console is set up to support your controller) and I'm not certain if it is supported by the binaries or not, but give it a try!

This game was made as a part of Tilted Game Jam (Feb 2018 theme: cats). For some reason it does not seem to have posted to the feed for the jam. I wanted to do more with the game but ran out of time and hustled to get sound done at the last minute. I would like to add rainstorms where if the cat gets wet you lose points and if your points go below zero you lose a life. I'd also like better enemy sprites. These were just fillers. Smarter enemy placement would be good too. At present they can cluster in an area, making it easy to get coins where they are not. Next time!

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